1. Go to 'Agreements & Offers>Extras Categories' in Nitesoft.

2. To add a new category select 'Add New' and fill in fields 'Title', 'Abbreviation' and 'Description' and 'Save'. 

To edit an existing category click the name in the list.

3. To change order of appearance in Nitesoft Cashier rearrange the items in the list by drag n’drop on the arrows. When you change order a 'Save' button will appear in the top right corner of the list click it to save changes.

4. After entering the Product Category. To add products to a category select the product in list 'All Available Extras' press the arrow poiting left to move it into 'Extras in Category'.

Press 'Save'.

5. Open Nitesoft Cashier and select 'Functions>Nitesoft Synchronization' click 'Synchronize'.

After successful synchronization updates should  be imported.