Checklist before starting the integration
Hotel should make sure all points below are handled.
1. Make sure you are familar with how Accouting works in Nitesoft, see Accouting introduction here.
2. Make sure you know how the fortnox integration works and which limitations it have, read more here
3. Make sure that the account plan is setup with the same accounts and VAT in both systems see here.
4. Make sure that starting balance on Sales Ledger account and Deposit Ledger account are the same in both systems, read more here.
5. If you have exisiting customers in Fortnox and you would like to sync them with customer profiles in Nitesoft, that is done like this.
Information needed for setup
Hotel should provide the following information:
1. Which type of connection they want, read more about the diffrent setups here. Recommended is '"Export daily vouchers, invoices and import payment of invoices"
2. Which letter the voucher and/or invoice series have in Fortnox. The invoice series is usually called "B", we recommend that you create a new series for the daily vouchers (and correcting vouchers)
3. If invoice number should be fetched from fortnox or if it should be sent from Nitesoft to fortnox (number can be sent from Nitesoft if all invoices are created in Nitesoft, i.e. hotel does not invoice anything directly from fortnox).
Setup process
1. Hotel verifies points in 'checklist before starting' above.
2. Hotel provide the information needed for setup, see above.
3. Nitesoft configures fortnox connection i Nitesoft.
4. The person(s) who will do accouting need a Nitesoft account with Accouting user role (or Manager user role) in order to access reports in Nitesoft.
5. Hotel activate the fortnox connection (see instruction below) and connection is now working.
6. Hotel verifies the points in 'checklist after going live' below.
Activate fortnox connection
1. Login with a user that has 'Manager' user role.
2. Go to 'Administraion>Configuration' select 'Hotel accounting system providers' for 'FortNoxProvider' click 'Edit'.
3. Click 'Activate' in top right corner.
4. Fortnox will open, log in to fortnox (if you are not already logged in) and approve the integration.
Hotel verifies after going live
After the first month has passed make sure the following amounts matches between Nitesoft and Fortnox:
Invoice account: should correspond to 'Total unpaid sum of all invoices' in Invoice report, see point 1 here.
Sales Leder account: Select only 'To' date in Sales Ledger and check that 'Total' in 'Balance' column corresponds to Sales ledger account in fortnox. Read more about Sales Ledger report here.
Deposit Ledger account: should correspond to 'Total' in Deposit Ledger, see point 2 here.
Payments: Look how much money you got on each payment account in the time period and check that this money correspond to the money you got in reality (i.e. compared to bank account). Read more about payment report here.
We recommend that the check of Invoice account, Sales Ledger account and Payments is done every month.