How to use
1. If you have an Accounting integration you can access the page 'Reports>Accounting>Accounting Export'.
2. The page will display all daily vouchers and invoices that have or should be exported to Accounting system.
Displayed fields:
Type: Voucher or Invoice
Reference: for voucher it is the id of the the voucher, for Invoice it is the invoice number
Date: the date of the voucher or creation date of the invoice
Booking no: only for invoice it is the reservation number invoice was created for
Arrival and Departure: only for invoice it is arrival and departure of the reservation invoice was created for
Status: Success, Ready, Error or Paid (see explanination below)
Export Date: The date the voucher or invoice was successfully exported
Payments: only for invoice if it is 'Paid', this is the amount of the imported payments for this invoice
Errors: If there has been an error with the export this is where you can see the error message
You can change sorting of list by clicking the column title you want to sort on.
Success: voucher or invoice is exported to Accouting system
Ready: voucher or invoice is ready to be exported and will be exported the following night
Error: voucher or invoice was not exported, see error message in 'Errors' column. See 'Common errors' below.
Paid: Only for invoice, there is one or more payments imported for this invoice
3. The accounting export runs every night, if you want to export something straight away select the item you want to export and then click 'Export' in top right corner.
This item should have Status 'Ready' (or 'Error') before you export, and 'Success' (or 'Error') after you run the export.
4. In top right corner next to the 'Export' button there are the following functions:
The dates: show the date range you can currently see, click this to select period (see explanation below)
The dollor sign: if you want to manually fetch a payment from accounting system, you can select the unpaid invoice and click this icon
The download icon: If you want to download the export file that is sent to Accouting system, select the files you want to download and click this icon.
The eye icon: opens display settings (see explanination below)
Select Period:
Select 'from date' and 'to date' and click 'Apply'.
Display Settings:
Display messages: You can select to see only specific statuses. Available options: All, only export (only 'Success'), only import (only 'Paid' status), only error (only 'Error' status).
Search: searches on the page if you enter search word
Select visible fields: You can hide columns in the page by unchecking that column here
Change order of columns: you can change order by drag n'drop, drag the up-down arrow for each column to switch order
Multi-sorting: If you want to sort on more than one column. Click the '+' after multi sorting. The first arrow and dropdown will show your current sorting. For the added arrow and dropdown you can select what to sort on next.
For example:
'Down arrow' 'Status'
'Up arrow' 'Date'
Means first sort list alphabetically by status then by date with most recent date first.
Click 'Refresh' to apply any changes you made to display settings.
Common errors
1. Some days are missing in the list. If you got new payments account that have not been assigned accounting will be put on hold and the files will not appear in the list. You correct it like this.
2. Invoice was not exported because profile have been deactivated in fortnox. Either activate the profile in fortnox again or edit the invoice in Nitesoft and switch to a customer profile that is active in fortnox, and export the invoice again (see point 3 above).
3. Invoice was not exported because address contains sign that is not allowed by fortnox (it is for example not allowed to have '-' and '/' in the address). Edit the invoice in Nitesoft and remove the forbidden sign, and export the invoice again (see point 3 above).