Many booking channels such as, Expedia, etc. provide guest card details as a guarantee for a reservation. This could be a real guest card or virtual card valid only for the reservation amount. Nitesoft is able to extract this card data using PCI certified proxy solution (Channex PCI)  and automatically charge guest cards according to the rules provided by the reservation channel. 

The following payment providers support processing of card details with Nitesoft: Netaxept, Adyen, Stripe. 

The following channel managers support processing of card details with Nitesoft: YieldPlanet, Staah, Siteminder.

When Nitesoft receives a reservation from a channel manager it checks whether there is a guest card information. In case it is present the details are stored in the secure wallet. Then Nitesoft checks comments from the channel provided the card and search for card charging instructions. Below are the typical examples of such instructions:

"Expedia Virtual Card is activated from the time of Booking"
"Expedia Virtual Card will be activated from the day of Check-in"
"Collect payment from traveler upon arrival. This Expedia virtual card can only be used in the case of a no-show or cancellation, after the booking has been reconciled. You cannot charge this card prior to reconciliation"
"You have received a virtual credit card for this reservation.You may charge it as of 2030-10-23"
"Reservation has a cancellation grace period. Do not charge if cancelled before  2030-10-23"


Nitesoft use this information as well as payment collect information provided by the channel (Hotel Collect, Channel Collect), and creates a ticket for the future payment containing all the required information. The ticket is present in Reservation in the Payments section. The ticket can have the following marks:

"Auto-Card" - Nitesoft determined that the card should be charged automatically from the reservation comments. Or there is no comment but there is information that this is Channel Collect reservation. When you enter such ticket the DueDate field will indicate the date when the system will try to charge the card first time. The ticket can be charged any time manuall by pressing the "Charge" button.

"Manual-Card" - There is a comment instructing to charge card only in case of no-show or cancellation. Or the reservation is marked as Hotel Collect but card details are provided. This ticket can be charged manually any time by pressing the "Charge" button in the editor.

"No-Charge" - There is a comment indicating that card was provided as guarantee and not supposed to be charged.

In case channel manager provided partial card information (for instance, without security code), the ticket will contain a remark: "The card details are present, however some required fields are missing. This could cause issues during charging."

It is possible to forbid the system to use due date from the comment in case it is before arrival in configuration. In this case Nitesoft will use arrival date for cards that allows charging before arrival. 

Please contact Nitesoft support to enable this.

It is also possible to configure time of charge Site Administration -> Configuration -> Hotel system -> System timing -> Edit -> AutomaticChargeTime. This time is added to the beginning of day and can be more than 24 hours, in such case charging will occur on the next day.

Starting from the due date Nitesoft will try to charge the card. In case system encounters an error during charging the card it creates an alert "Auto-Charge faild #RESERVATION_REFERENCE". In this case system will make another attempt on the next day. Nitesoft can make up to 3 attempts to automatically charge the ticket. In case all 3 of them failed a manual action is required. 

In 3 days after departure for security reasons Nitesoft removes card details information of the guest in case there is at least one payment in the reservation.