Search can be made on 'Stay dates' and/or 'Booking dates'.
Stay dates
Reservations are included if they are staying in the hotel in the selected interval, i.e. if they arrive earlier than 'Stay To' date and depart later than 'Stay From' date. If a guest arrive at the same day as the selected 'Stay To' date it will not be included and if it depart at the 'Stay From' date it will not be included in the report.
Room nights are included if the specific night is staying at the hotel in the selected period, so if a reservation is staying for 2 nights and only the date of the first night is in the selected range only the first night will be counted in the report.
Booking dates
Reservations are included if they are booked (for confirmed reservations this means date of confirmation, for preliminary reservations it means date of creation) in the selected interval. Both 'Booked From' and 'Booked To' dates are included in report. So if a reservation was made on 'Booked From' date it will be included in report, and if it was made on 'Booked To' date it will also be included.
Check boxes 'Include Guaranteed', 'Include Preliminary', 'Include Cancelled' and 'Include NoShow' will include these statuses in the result if check box is ticked.
Out of Orders are always excluded.
If you want to find how many reservations that are made by a specific user you can select a user in this list.
Click 'Select all' below the box to search for all users.
If you want to exclude VAT from result check the 'Exclude Tax' checkbox.
For each Booking channel and in total for the selected dates:
Reservations Number of reservations.
Unit nights Number of room/unit nights.
Total revenue Revenue of housing excluding breakfast (if VAT is included depends on selection).
ADR Average daily rate per occupied room excluding breakfast (if VAT is included depends on selection).