Here is a description of the condition fields and result of 'Reports>Reservations>Reservations Details'. 


Search can be made on Stay dates and/or Booking dates.

Stay dates

Reservations are included if they are staying in the hotel in the selected interval, i.e. if they arrive earlier than Stay To date and depart later than Stay From date. If a guest arrive at the same day as the selected Stay To date it will not be included and if it depart at the Stay From date it will not be included in the report.

Room nights are included if the specific night is staying at the hotel in the selected period. 

Booking dates

Reservations are included if they are booked (for confirmed reservations this means date of confirmation, for preliminary reservations it means date of creation) in the selected interval. Both Booked From and Booked To dates are included in report. So if a reservation was made on Booked From date it will be included in report, and if it was made on Booked To date it will also be included.


Confirmed and No show reservations are always included in report

Preliminary, can be included by check-box. 

Cancelled, can be included by check-box.

Out of Orders are always excluded.


Amounts are shown including tax, to exclude it click the 'Exclude Tax' checkbox.

Group by

Type: The data is specified by Simple, Group and Block. Where Simple is all reservations with only one room/unit, Group is all ordinary reservations containing more than one room/unit and Block are all Block reservations.

Channel: Will specify the data for each channel.

Rate: Will specify the data depending on which Rate type the reservation have been booked on, so BAR, Loyal-programs, Agreement codes, Packages and Premium offers.

TargetGroup: Will specifiy the data depending on the Target Group of the reservation.

UnitCategory: Will specify the data for each Unit Category.

Compare To

This will take the numbers for the selected period and compare them with the numbers from for example a month ago. So if you select September 2014 Compare To previous month you will see both the numbers for September 2014 and in brackets after the current number the numbers from August 2014. Increased values will be marked green, decreased will be marked red except for ADR which where the Compare To values will be displayed in a separate table below.

Specification By

You can select if you want the results broken down per month or day, or if you just want to see the total of the selected period.


Number of reservations.

Number of unit nights: Number of room/unit nights.

Number of guests: number of persons specified by guest nationality (if there are several guests in a room they will be counted, if one guest stays more than one night it will be counted only once. Children will not be counted.). 

Average LOS: Average length of stay specified by guest nationality (if there are several guests in a room nationality of each guest will be used in calculation, children will not be counted).

Pic up: Average number of days between booking date (confirmation date) and arrival date.

ADR: Average daily rate for occupied rooms specified for each day in the selected interval, breakfast is excluded, VAT is included but can can be excluded by check-box.