You find 'Period Report in 'Reports>Reservations>Period Report'.


'To' and 'From' dates are referring to Stay dates.

Reservations are included if they are staying in the hotel in the selected interval, i.e. if they arrive earlier than Stay 'To' date and depart later than Stay 'From' date. If a guest arrive at the same day as the selected Stay 'To' date it will not be included and if it depart at the Stay 'From' date it will not be included in the report.

Room nights are included if the specific night is staying at the hotel in the selected period, meaning if a reservation stays 2 nights and only the first night is in the selected date range only the first night will be counted in the result.


Confirmed reservations are always included.

Preliminary, No-shows can be included by check-box ('Include NoShow' and 'Include Preliminary').

Cancelled, Out of Orders are always excluded (expection is the OutOfOrder units column in the report).

Revenue/Rate options

VAT can be included by check-box ('Exclude Tax').

Breakfast can be included by checking 'IncludeInclusiveProducts' check-box.

If 'ShowOnlyAccounted' is checked reservations that are not accounted will be excluded (i.e. reservations with arrival date in the future that are not prepaid).

'Include OoO in Unsold revenue' if this is checked the 'Unsold units' and 'Unsold revenue' will include rooms that are marked as Out of order.

'CloseOut as not available' if this us checked the occupancy calculation will exclude days that are closed out.

Unit Categories

If you only want to see the numbers for a specific room category select it in the 'Only the selected unit categories' list.

(If you use Unit Category tags you will be able to select all units with the selected tab.)

Compare To

There are two different Compare to methods in Period report.

Compare to historical date: This will take the numbers from the selected period and compare the booking situation with the date selected. So if you select year 2014 and 'Compare Booking Flow' 140101 you will see how the reservations that were booked for 2014 in the beginning of the the year.

Compare To: This will take the numbers for the selected period and compare them with the numbers from for example a month ago. So if you select September 2014 'Compare To' 'Previous month' you will see both the numbers for September 2014 and below the numbers from August 2014.

Specification By

Unit: Specifies the numbers for each actual room/unit in the selected period.

Day: Specifies the numbers for each day in the selected period.

Month: Specifies the numbers for each month in the selected period.

Employee: Specifies the numbers for each employee that created the reservation in the selected period. 

Tag group: visible if you have tags enabled.


For each room/unit and total in the selected period:

Total revenue: by default excluding breakfast and VAT.

Rev PAR: Revenue per Available Room by default excluding VAT and breakfast (Rooms which are out of order are not considered available).

ADR: Average daily rate per occupied room by default excluding VAT and breakfast.

AGR: Average guest rate, calculated by default as total room rate excluding VAT and breakfast divided by number of adult guests.

OCC: Occupancy in the selected period, out of order rooms are excluded from available rooms. 

Occupied units: Number of occupied units in the selected period.

Complimentary: Number of rooms with 0 rate.

OutOfOrder units: number of rooms which have been out of order.

Unsold units: The number of unsold rooms for the selected dates.

Unsold revenue: The revenue corresponding to the BAR-rate of the unsold rooms for the selected dates.