1. Go to 'Customers>Companies'. Here you will see a list of all existing company profiles you can search and filter the list by clicking the filter icon in top right corner.
2. To add a new profile click 'New' in top right corner.
3. When you create a Company profile there are 3 tabs, 'General', 'Contacts' and 'Invoice Contact'.
General: Overview page, here you can add comments, visiting address and add/see subcompanies.
Contacts: Here you have the contact information of the company and it's bookers, this is the information that will be used when you make a reservation.
Invoice Contact: If the invoice address information is different then the contact information you will use this tab.
4. Fill in information in General tab, only Company name is needed.
Fields available:
Name the Company name.
Number Can be used for Orangization number/VAT number or for hotels customer number.
Comments click '+' icon to add a comment.
Holding You can search for an existing company profile in this field. Select the existing company profile to make the new Company a subsidiary of the selected company. Company can only have one Holding company.
Subsidiaries click '+' icon to add a subsidiary. It will open a panel where you can search for existing company profiles and add it as a subsidiary to the company profile. A company can have several subsidiaries.
5. Click 'Contacts' tab to enter the contact information.
You can either use 'Search contact' to select an already existing Individual profile or you can fill in the fields.
To add more then one contact to the company click the '+' icon at the top of the list of contact persons that is visible to the right of the page.
6. If the invoice information is different then the Contact information click 'Invoice Contacts'.
Uncheck 'Same as default contact' checkbox.
And enter the invoicing information.
7. 'Save' in top right corner.