Tags on room categories and rooms can be used for filtering in grid and when creating a reservation.

1. Go to 'Administration'>'Drop Down Lists' select 'Tag Group'.

2. Click 'New Group' and  enter the title of your tag, e.g. 'Location' and check 'UnitCategory' checkbox and click 'Save'. If you want the tag to be for rooms instead, check 'Unit' checkbox.

3. Back in 'Drop Down Lists' select 'Tag'.

4. Click 'New tag' and select the Tag group you created and enter the first value you want to be able to sort on. Then add the rest of the values in the same way and click 'Save'.

5. Go to 'Units & Rates'>'Unit Category' enter each category and select a tag and save. 

6. You will now be able to sort the grid by your tags. Click the filter icon in the top right of the grid to open filter panel where you will find your new tags. 

7. Each room category will display the tag it is associated with when you create a new reservation.

 8. And it will also be visble by each room in the reservation.