Inventory services have to be activated in Hotel configuration first, contact to activate.
1. Go to 'Units & Rates>Unit Categories' and click 'New Inventory Service Category' in the top right corner.
2. Fill in the fields:
Name: required
Abbreviation: optional, this will show in grid
Bookable Interval: required, default value 'Daily'
RACK Rate: required, the base price of the inventory service
Description: optional, visible if the service is sold in online part
Internal Description: optional, will only be shown in this view
Images: optional, upload images, visible if the service is sold in online part
3. Switch between tabs by clicking 'Rates', 'Products', 'Services' and 'Units'.
Products: optional, add if if some product should be included in the price for this unit (for example you book a sauna it will include bathrobes).
Services: required, the account number of the service. To change it, click on the 'X' to remove Housing account, then select the correct account in the dropdown and click '+' to add it.
Units: will later show the units that you have added in this category.
4. 'Save' in top right corner to create the category.
1. Go to 'Units & Rates>Units' and click 'New Inventory Service' in top right corner.
2. Fill in the fields:
Number: required
Category: required
Enable access control: check if the inventory service should be linked to a lock system
Description: optional, can be used in guest messages
Route description: optional, can be used in guest messages
Images: optional
3. Click 'Save' in top right corner to create the inventory service.
4. Inventory services works in similar ways as normal units/rooms.
In the grid you can select to see Inventory services only by selecting it in the 'Type' drop down, after clicking filter icon in the top right corner of the grid.