Dashboard is your personal configurable page that displays many different types of information, depending on your areas of interest. The configuration is bound to the device you are working on and the current Nitesoft user. E.g. different users can have different dashboards on the same device as well as single user can have different dashboards on different devices.
You can access your dashboard from any Nitesoft page by clicking dashboard icon in the quick access panel right below your property logo:
Dashboard consists of information boxes called Widgets:
When you start using Nitesoft you see the default Dashboard preconfigured for your user roles. The default configuration is static and cannot be changed. However you can easily customize your dashboard by choosing different widgets, dragging the widgets into different positions, and changing appearance of individual widgets.
The widgets in the dashboard are layed out in grid from left to right and from top to bottom. Depending on the screen resolution there are 3 columns (> 1280px), 2 columns (from 600px to 1280px) or 1 column (< 600px). Columns have equal width and takes all available space. Row has constant height of 150px. Every widget can occupy any number of available columns and rows.
Available widgets
Widget | Description |
Alerts | Displays the list of unresolved alerts assigned to you or your department |
Arrivals | Displays the list of guests arriving today |
In-house | Displays the list of guests that are currently checked in to the property |
Departures | Displays the list of guests departing today |
Arrivals pie chart | Displays the pie chart with the current arrivals status: total number of arrivals, number of checked-in guests, number of remaining arrivals, number of free rooms. |
Departures pie chart | Displays the pie chart with the carrent departures status: total number of departures, number of checked-out guests, number of remaining departures, number of no-show guests. |
Housekeeping status | Displays the bar chart with the current housekeeping overview: number of rooms in different cleaning statuses in different unit categories. |
Recent reservations | Displays the column chart with last week booking overview: number of bookings and cancellations by date |
Recent occupancy | Displays the column chart with last week occupancy: number of occupied and available rooms by date |
Recent reservations by channels | Displays the bar chart with last week channel performance: number of reservations made by channel |
Recent revenue performance | Displays the line chart with last month performance overview: total revenue and average housing rate by date |
Upcoming occupancy | Displays the column chart with upcoming week occupancy: number of occupied and available rooms by date |
Upcoming revenue performance | Displays the line chart with upcoming month performance overview: total revenue and average housing rate by date |
Personal Notes | Displays your personal notes and remarks that you would like to remember. The notes are stored on local computer |
Google Alert | Displays the matches for a Google Alert that monitors web on combination of words interesting to you |
Google Place | Displays the recent Google Place reviews for your property |
Trip Advisor | Displays the recent Trip Advisor reviews for your property |
Weather | Displays the weather in the city today |
Widget settings
In order to customize your dashboard open the dashboard and click settings icon on the toolbar (in the top right corner):
The widget settings will appear in the sidenav panel:
In order to add a widget select required widget in the drop down on the top of settings sidenav and click '+' button.
Change widget position by dragging and dropping the widget or by pressing up and down arrow buttons.
Press 'X' button to remove the widget from dashboard.
Every widget have 2 settings: column number and row number. Column number indicates how many available columns this widget occupies. The number of available columns depends on screen resolution of the device. So that in case a widget is configured to occupy 3 columns and there are only 2 columns available for the given resolution the widget occupies only 2 columns. Row number indecates how many rows are occupied by this widget.
Some widgets such as Google Place, Google Alert, Trip Advisor and Weather have additional settings.
Additional setting: location. Simply specify the name of your city in this field. In case the city name is not unique you can specify coma separated list of city, region and country.
Trip Advisor
Additional setting: Trip Advisor location identifier. You can find the location identifier for a by navigating to the property’s page on TripAdvisor and looking for the number after the ‘d’ parameter in the URL. For example, if the URL is https://www.tripadvisor.se/Hotel_Review-g189852-d8816224-Reviews-Hotel_With_Urban_Deli-Stockholm.html. The location identifier is 8816224.
Google Alert
Additional settings: user identifier and alert feed identifier. If you don't have google account create one. Go to https://www.google.com/alerts. Enter the search phrase to monitor. For instance, if you would like to monitor conferences, festivals, concerts, summits or simposiums in Stockholm then you can use phrase: Stockholm (conference|festival|concert|summit|simposium). Specify options for monitoring and select "RSS feed" in the "Deliver to" drop down. Click "Create alert" button.
Then click on the "RSS feed" button for this alert. The opened URL has user and alert identifiers as last URL segments. For instance, if opened URL is https://www.google.com/alerts/feeds/11111111111111111111/22222222222222222222 then user identifier is 11111111111111111111 and alert identifier is 22222222222222222222.
Google Place
Additional settings: place identifier and API key. Use Nitesoft API key: AIzaSyDD1HIVRGq6E4ppT9rVh8xGEE4fUhKQ2Lc. Go to https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/place-id. Find you property on the map. For instance, you search Hotel With Urban Deli: