1. Go to 'Administration>Drop Down Lists' (usually only available for Manager priviledges) and select 'Loyalty Category'.

2. Click 'New Category' and fill in fields.

Name - is the name of the category, this text will be displayed in the Profile if the category is selected.

Guest night count threshold - Should be empty if you want to add the categories to Profiles manually.

If filled in the Profile will automatically get the Loyalty Category if he stays more then the number of nights selected.

Css - This is the icon that will be displayed in the Profile and in the Summary lists for Profiles that have the Loyalty category.

The css of a gold heart icon looks like this: {{class}} {color: gold;} {{class}}:before {content: "\f004";}

You can change the color by switching the word "gold" to for example: "blue", "green" or "red"

You can change the icon by switching the word "\f004".

Some available icons are:






Click 'Save' to create a new loyality category.

3. Go to Front Office Individuals and select the profile where you want to add the Loyalty category.

4. Press 'Edit', select the Loyalty category you want to add and click 'Save'.

5. The Loyalty category icons are visible in Arrival/Departure lists and in Reservation view.