This report lists all payments that have been registered in Nitesoft.

How to use:

1. Go to 'Report>Accounting>Payments'

2. Select 'From' and 'To' date. Both dates are inclusive so for example if you set 'From' date 190801 it will select all contracts later then 190801 00:00 and if you select 'To' date 190801 it will select all contracts earlier then 190802 00:00.

The payments will be selected depending on the date they were registered in Nitesoft (so if you create a payment and select another payment date, it will use the registration date).

3. To see all payments click 'Select all' below the Payment Methods and Employees lists. If you are interested in some specific payment method and employee you can select them in the list. To select more then one item in the list press 'ctrl' and select.

4. Press 'Search' to see result. 

The top section is a summary were you see total amount per account.

It will show columns, 'Account' number, 'Method' which is the name of the payment method that uses this account number 

and 'Amount' which is the sum of all payments on this account for the selected time period

Below this section you will find a specification of all payments.

For each payment you will see:

Paid: The payment date

Booking: Reservation number, this will link to the reservation

Method: Payment method

Amount: Amount of the payment

Company: Company name

Payer: Last name, First name of the payer

Employee: the user that registered the payment

Registered: The date the payment was created in Nitesoft

Reference: transaction number or reference of the payment

It is possible to sort by each column by pressing the title in the header row of this section.

If you have a cashier integration each cashier will be displayed in a separate section.

5. Click options menu in top right corner to print search result or export to pdf or excel.