In revenue overview you will be able to see how your revenues and occupancy is divided over different types.
It will split it by different unit types, i.e. rooms, activity rooms, inventory services and extras and services.
It will split it over diffrent Target groups e.g. Leisure, Business, Confence and Groups.
And it will split it on housing, food and beverage and other.
How to use:
1. Go to 'Reports>Reservations>Revenue Overview'
2. Fill in fields:
From: Stay date/Consumption date from, the date is inclusive e.g. 190801 will select all revenue including and after 190801 00:00.
To: Stay date/Consumption date to, the date is inclusive e.g. 190801 will select all revenue before 190802 00:00.
Group by: Can be empty, TargetGroup or UnitCategory, see explanation below.
Include Tax: If checked all values will include VAT, if unchecked all values will exclude VAT.
Target Groups: By default all active Target Groups are selected, you can select one or several target groups in the list.
On PC Click 'Ctrl' on keyboard to select more then one item.
3. Click Search in Top right corner.
Result will be divided by the bookable unit/item category, the possible categories are:
Units: hotelrooms, apartments etc.
Activity rooms: conference rooms, activities etc.
Inventory services: other bookable units e.g. parking, bikes
Extras and Services: extras and services that are added to the booking, not to any room or activity room.
These are the columns in resulting table:
Name: The bookable unit/item category name; Units, Activty rooms, Inventory services and Extras and Services.
For Group by UnitCategory it will also display Unit category names.
OCC: Occupancy in percentage with regard to available rooms (not applicable for Extras and Services).
ADR: Average daily unit rate per sold unit (not applicable for Extras and Services). This measure will exclude any products added to the unit, even inclusive products (e.g. breakfast).
TADR: Total average daily unit rate per sold unit (not applicable for Extras and Services). This measure will include any products added to the unit.
Room Revenue: The revenue bound to the unit (will always be 0 for Extras and Services column). For hotel rooms this will be the Housing revenue, for Conference rooms it will be the rent of the conference room.
F&B Revenue: Food and Beverage revenue. This will sum the revenue of all extras that have type 'Kitchen'.
Other Revenue: Remaining revenue. This will sum all revenue that is not bound to a unit or have type 'Kitchen'.
Total Revenue: The total revenue for the bookable unit/item category.
For group by 'empty' it will look like this:
For group by 'UnitCategory' there will be one section for each type of bookable unit/item category (e.g. Units, Activity rooms etc.).
In each section you will see how the revenue is divided between diffrent categories, so for Units you will se the split for different room categories and for Activty rooms you will see the split for different Conference room categories or activity categories.
For group by 'TargetGroup' there will be one section per target group. Like this:
4. To print or to export to excel or pdf use click the options menu in top right corner of the page.
5. To save a report with the selected parameters enter a name of the report in the 'Name' field and click 'Save as report' button.