If you want to be able to switch between different housing accounts for a room these options should be added to the room category.

1. First make sure the account numbers you want to use are added in 'Services', read more here.

2. Then go to 'Units & Rates>Unit Categories' and select the category that you want ot add multiple accounts to.

3. In the RACK section in the top right corner of the page click '+' icon to add a new RACK rate type.

4. Each RACK rate will have the following fields: 

Title: to describe the rate, for example 'Conference' or 'Longstay'.

Target group: for example any reservation with Target group Conference should automatically be accounted on Conference account. 

Minimal stay length: for example any reservation at least 30 days long will automatically be accounted on Longstay account. 

Maximal stay length: limits max number of days this rate can be used for.

Add inclusive product: If the rate should include product, for example breakfast. Select a product in the drop down and click '+' icon to add it to the rate.

Service: Here you select which account that the room revenue for this RACK rate is accounted on.

Rate: Fill in the RACK rate of the room. All combinations of guests in the room will be displayed. For example: '1A/0C' means 1 adult and 0 children, 'Default' is the rate that will be given to any guest combination that does not have specific rate set.

Click 'Save' to save your changes to the Unit Category.

All of the services added to the unit category can be manually selected in the reservation.

5. When a reservation is made for this unit category the available accounts will be shown in a drop down on the room. And you can switch the account by selecting another one in the list and save the reservation. 

If revenue is already accounted for the reservation the revenue will be moved to the new selected account on the day you changed the account.