1. To add a new status for Out of orders got to 'Administration>Drop Down lists' and click 'Booking workflow'.
2. Click 'New workflow' and fill in the 'Name' field and 'Save'.
This will be the title for your Out of order statuses.
3. Go back to 'Administration>Drop Down lists' and click 'Booking workflow phase'.
4. Click 'New phase' in top right corner and add one or many statuses.
For each fill in:
Name: The title of the status.
Booking workflow: Select the workflow you created in previous step.
Booking status: Select 'Out Of Order'.
Color: Select the color you want the status to have.
Click 'Save' to save the statuses you added.
5. When you create an Out of order you will now see a drop down called 'Workflow Phase' displaying the statuses you created.
If you have set a status for an out of order it will be marked with spot of the status color in the grid.
And it will be marked with the status color and show the status title in 'Housekeeping >Room status'.