If you want to setup a rule to automatically generate invoices for selected reservations.

1. Go to 'Administration>Drop Down Lists' select 'Automated Invoicing Rule'.

2. Click 'New Rule' and fill in:


Start: Which days that should be included in the invoice.

First included day; relative date from current day. 

+0d means today's date

-1m+1d means  the first of last month

End: Which days that should be included in the invoice.

Last included day; relative date from current day. 

+1m -1d means  the last of this month

+0d means  today's date

Date: The invoice date

+0d means  today's date

Due date: The due date of the invoice

+14d means 14 days from today's date

Run day: Which day of the month the invoices should be generated

0 is last day of month

1 is first day of month

-1 is one day before last day of month

Amount threshold: If invoice amount is less then this value invoice will not be generated

3. In the reservations you will see field 'Automated invoicing'. If you select a rule here invoices for this reservation will be generated accordingly.