'Housekeeping>Today' is where you plan which cleaner should clean which room.

1. The rooms are automatically divided between the cleaners working on that day.

2. The cleaning tasks for each room have a different color depending on the status of the room. 

At the top of the page you can see what the different colors mean.

Each Cleaner has a list of cleaning task cards, the pad lock in front of the cleaner name can lock the system from automatically reassign tasks in case there are changes.

3. Each cleaning task card also show additional information about the task.

In the top left of the card you see the room number.

Then there is a line of circle icons; the first show current length of stay of checked in reservation, then the 'abbreviation' for any cleaning tasks you have added, and the last number show number of days to next check in for the room (it will show a red T in case next check in is today).

On the bottom row of the card you see the floor, the room category and number of guest that stayed of stays in the room.

4. You can change the order or which cleaner should have which room by drag n' drop in the list, save your changes by clicking 'Save' in top right corner.

5. Double click the cleaning task to see all information.

In the left column you can see information about the task.

In the right column you can see hotel specific cleaning tasks.

At the bottom of the cleaning task you can view and create comments and alerts for the cleaning task, it is possible to upload an image to a comment.

If you make any changes save them by clicking 'Save' button in bottom right corner.

6. In top right corner of Todays schedule there are three options:

The eye icon where you can hide/show some fields in the page.

The arrows and date where you can switch date you make the schedule for.

And the three dots which opens the options menu.

Options menu:

'Add room cleaning' if you need to add a cleaning task for a room, that is not already present in the list.

'Add additonal task' to add a task that is not linked to a room.

'Reassign all' will automatically divide all rooms again (manual changes will be lost). It will not reassign tasks of a cleaner that is locked.

'Lock all' will lock all tasks so system will not reassign them automatically.

'Add cleaner' to add a cleaner working that day.