When logged as a cleaner you will have access to:
1. 'Housekeeping>My schedule' where you will see the tasks assigned to you for the upcoming days.
2. And 'Housekeeping>Cleaning' where you will go through each cleaning task in the order of the list.
To mark a room as clean click 'Next room'. To skip a room, click the three dots in top right corner and select 'Skip'.
It is possible for cleaner to add a comment and send it as an alert to another user group or user.
First upload image by clicking the camera icon (optional).
Then enter your comment text.
If you want to send the comment check 'with alert' checkbox and select department and/or user that should get the alert.
Click 'Add comment' to the create the comment.
Comments for the cleaning tasks will be shown above the comments section, you can see which time it was created and by which user. If it is linked to an alert it will have a bell icon.
The comment can be removed by 'X' icon.