These are the available options in result of Custom report:

ADR: Average Daily (room) Rate incl. VAT (excluding inclusive products, extras och promotions added to the room)

ADR excl. VAT: Average Daily (room) Rate excl. VAT (excluding inclusive products, extras och promotions added to the room)

ADR VAT: Average Daily (room) VAT part (excluding inclusive products, extras och promotions added to the room)

All Unit Statuses: All room statuses of the reservation. Can be Booked, CheckedIn, CheckedOut NoShow, Overbooking, Cancelled

Arrival: Arrival date of a unit

Arriving Units: Number of arriving rooms of a reservation or a unit.

Average LOS: Average length of stay

Average room revenue: Average Room revenue incl. VAT (include inclusive products but not and extras och promotions added to the room) 

Average room revenue excl. VAT: Average Room revenue Average Daily (room) Rate excl. VAT (include inclusive products but not and extras och promotions added to the room) 

Average room revenue VAT: Average Room revenue VAT part (include inclusive products but not and extras och promotions added to the room) 

Cancelled nights: Number of cancelled nights

Company contact email: The e-mail of the company contact

Company invoice contact email: The e-mail of the company invoice contact 

Company name: Company name

Complimentary nights: Number of nights with 0 revenue

Contact address: Adress of the reservation contact

Contact cityCity of the reservation contact

Contact country: Country of the reservation contact

Contact country code: Country code of the reservation contact (depends on Country of the reservation contact)

Contact email:  E-mail of the reservation contact

Contact mobile: Mobile of the reservation contact

Contact name:  Name and Surname of the reservation contact

Contact phone: Phone of the reservation contact

Departure: Departure date of a unit

Employee: Name of the employee that created the reservation

Event participant count: For reservations marked as events the number of participants of the event

Event responsible:  For reservations marked as events the event responsible

Extras revenue: The revenue of extras added to the reservation incl. VAT

Extras revenue excl. VAT: The revenue of extras added to the reservation excl. VAT 

Extras VAT:  The VAT of the extras added to the reservation 

First guest country: Country of the first guest of the room

First guest country code: Country code of the first guest of the room (depends on Country of the guest)

First guest email: Email of the first guest of the room

First guest first name: First name of the first guest of the room

First guest last name: Last name of the first guest of the room 

First guest mobile: Mobile of the first guest of the room

Guest countries: Countries of all guests of the room 

Guest country codes: Country codes of the all guests of the room (depends on Country of the guest) 

Guest emails: Emails of the all guests of the room 

Guest mobiles: Mobiles of the all guests of the room 

Guest names: First names and Last names of the all guests of the room 

Guest nights: Number of guest nights booked (number of guests*number of nights)

Invoice company name: Invoice Company name

Invoice contact address: Adress of the reservation invoice contact

Invoice contact city: City of the reservation invoice  contact 

Invoice contact country: Country of the reservation invoice  contact 

Invoice contact country code: Country code of the reservation invoice  contact (depends on Country of the reservation invoice  contact)

Invoice contact email:  E-mail of the reservation invoice  contact

Invoice contact mobile: Mobile of the reservation invoice  contact

Invoice contact name:  Name and Surname of the reservation invoice  contact

Invoice contact phone: Phone of the reservation invoice  contact

Max Departure: The last departure date of the reservation

Min Arrival: The first arrival date of the reservation

No show nights: Number of nights that are no-show in the reservation

Number of adults: Number of adult guests in the reservation

Number of reservations: The number of reservations that meet the criteria of the rest of the row. In case you have several rows from the same reservation there will be a 1 for one of the rows and 0 for the rest, so if you sum this column you will get the correct number of reservations

Number of children: Number of child guests in the reservation

Number of guest: Number of guests (both adults and children) in the reservation 

Number of infants:  Number of infants in the reservation

Number of units: Number of units/rooms in the reservation. Inventory services and activity rooms are counted, each unit is counted once even if it's booked for several days or hours

Offer code: Offer code added to the reservation or item in the report

Offer title: Title of the offer code added to the reservation or item in the report 

Pick up: Number of days between booking date and arrival date for a reservation

Position: Extra or Service title, e.g. Housing, Breakfast, Coffee or similar. Each item is listed separately. So if you have a room booked for three days you will get three rows corresponding to this room

Position comment: Comment added to service or extra

Position cost excl. VAT: The price excl. VAT of the unit, service or extra. It will be price per item so if you want total price  you need to multiply by Position quantity

Position cost incl. VAT: The price incl. VAT of the unit, service or extra. It will be price per item so if you want total price  you need to multiply by Position quantity 

Position date: The date of the service or extra. For extras and services added to the reservation it will be the date they have in the reservation, for units there will be one row per date the unit is booked. For hourly rooms there will be one row per hour

Position date & time: The date and time of the service or extra. For extras and services added to the reservation it will be the date and time they have in the reservation, for units there will be one row per date the unit is booked and time will be default check-in time. For hourly rooms there will be one row per hour, and the time will correspond to each hour

Position month: The month of the service or extra. For units, extras and services it will one row for time they been added to the reservation. For units there will be one row per day the unit is booked

Position quantity: The number of items added

Rate optionRate option the unit is booked with

Reservation #: Reservation number

Reservation cancellation date: The date of cancellation

Reservation cancellation date & time: The date and time of cancellation 

Reservation change date: The last date the reservation was changed

Reservation change date & timeThe last date and time the reservation was changed

Reservation channel: Channel the reservation was booked with

Reservation date: The date the reservation was created

Reservation date & time: The date and time the reservation was created 

Reservation external reference: The external booking no. of the reservation

Reservation status: Status of the reservation, it can be Confirmed, Preliminary, Cancelled

Room revenue: Housing revenue for units (rooms) incl. VAT, excl. inclusive products (e.g. breakfast)

Room revenue excl. VAT: Housing revenue for units (rooms) excl. VAT, excl. inclusive products (e.g. breakfast)

Room VAT: Housing VAT for units (rooms), excl. VAT for inclusive products (e.g. breakfast)

Seller: the user that sold the reservation this field needs to be added in configuration

Services revenue: Revenue for services added to the reservation incl. VAT

Services revenue excl. VATRevenue for services added to the reservation excl. VAT 

Services VAT: VAT for services added to the reservation 

Target group: The target group of the reservation

Total adults: Total number of adult of the reservation

Total arriving guests: Total number of arring guests of the reservation (so if 2 guests stay 3 nights, arriving guests will be 2)

Total reservation cost excl. VAT: Total revenue of the reservation excl. VAT, it will show total amount always even if all days were not included in the interval you searched for.

Total reservation cost incl. VATTotal revenue of the reservation incl. VAT, it will show total amount always even if all days were not included in the interval you searched for. 

Total reservation paid amountTotal payment amount of the reservation

Total childrenTotal number of children of the reservation 

Total guests: Total number of guests (adults and children) of the reservation 

Total infants: Total number of infants of the reservation 

Total quantity: The sum of items of the row, it can be room nights, extras or a services.

Total revenue: Total revenue of items selected in report incl VAT, it will only include the items in the reservation that is within the dates you searched for

Total revenue excl. VAT: Total revenue of  items selected in report  incl. VAT, it will only include the items in the reservation that is within the dates you searched for 

Total VAT: Total VAT of the  items selected in report , it will only include the items in the reservation that is within the dates you searched for

Travel Agency: Travel agency name

Unit: The booked unit (usually room number)

Unit category: The booked unit category

Unit employee: The employee that added the unit

Unit nights: Number of booked unit nights

Unit offer code: The offer code the unit was booked with

Unit offer title: The title of the offer that the unit was booked with

Unit rate option: The rate option the unit was booked with

Unit status:  The status of the specific unit. Can be Booked, CheckedIn, CheckedOut NoShow, Overbooking, Cancelled

Units: All the booked units of the reservation (usually room numbers)

Workflow phase: The workflow phase of the reservation