Instruction applies for Siteminder, Staah, Yield Planet and BookVisit.
See more detailed instruction for configuring Yield Planet here.
See more information specific rules for configuring BookVisit here.
1. The channel manager is configured and credentails to connect to it should be provided to Nitesoft.
2. Nitesoft configures add the connection to the Channel Manager.
3. To add the room mapping between Nitesoft and Channel Manager go to 'Units & Rates>Channel Management' and click on the pen icon at 'Channel Manager' row.
3a. Click the bed icon to map the room categories.
3b. In the dropdown select and add all rooms by '+' icon.
3c. Either the category names will be loaded into a dropdown or you need to enter the category id in the 'Reference' column.
3d. Select one room as 'Is default' this room will be selected if you get a reservation from channel on a room that is not mapped to Channel Manager.
3e. 'Save' in top right corner.
4. To add the channel mapping between Nitesoft and Channel Manager go to 'Units & Rates>Channel Management'
and click on the pen icon at 'Channel Manager' row.
4a. Click the channel mapping icon to map the channels.
4b. In the dropdown select and add all channels that should be mapped by '+' icon.
4c. For each channel select the channel name in 'Reference' column, the values will either be loaded into a dropdown or you need to manually write the channel name in the field.
4d. 'Save' in top right corner.
(The fields Channel Collect, Hotel Collect and Unknown are used for integration that automatcatically charge virtual cards from channels, contact support if you want to know more about that).
5. To add the rate mapping between Nitesoft and Channel Manager do like this.