1. Go to 'Reports>Extra Report'.
2. Select:
From: from date is inclusive, if you select 240501 it will include extras added on this day.
To: to date is inclusive, if you select 240502 it will include extras added on this day.
Group by: select if you want to group the result by 'Day', 'Extra' or 'Month'.
Services: select if you only want to see a specific service in the list.
Extras: first select between 'Select Extras' and 'Select Extra types' in the dropdown.
If you selected 'Select Extras' you can select in list if you only want to see a specific extra.
If you selected 'Select Extras types' you can select in list if you only want to see a specific extra type for example "Kitchen".
You can select serveral items in the list by using 'ctrl' key (on PC) and select .
3. Click 'Search' in top right corner to see result.
First section show the list grouped either on 'Day', 'Extra' or 'Month' depending on your selection.
For each row it will show 'Type' which can be either a day, an extra or a month. Then Quantity which is number of extras, and total amount including and excluding VAT.
The second section show a detailed list of all extras. The list will be grouped either by 'Day', 'Extra' or 'Month' depending on your selection. For each row you will see: Day (which is the date the extra is added to), Reservation # (the reservation number), Type (the extra), Quantity (Number of extras added), Total amount incl. VAT, Total amount excl. VAT and Remaining items (if an extra has an inventory this column will show how many extras of this kind that can till be booked).
Other options:
Absolute/Relative dates: can be used when scheduling or saving reports.
Save as report: can be used to save a settings in a report for another time.
Options menu: Allow you to export result to excel, pdf and to print.