1. You will find the question mark icon for Help & Support in the main menu in all Nitesoft pages.

2. On the right hand side of the Help & Support popup, you will be able to search in all Nitesoft articles to find answers to your questions.


3. If you encountered a problem or cannot find what you are looking for, post a message to us and use the template for Help & Support. 

Please, submit your support request in english. Always select Type and Priority of your question. For bug reports please fill in steps to reproduce the problem. You may take screenshots and/or attach files.

Problem:                 Nitesoft does not work as expected.

Question:                Normally related to usage of Nitesoft.

Feature Request:    Suggest an improvement of how Nitesoft works.


URGENT:                Business critical function does not work. Needs immediate fix.

HIGH:                     Feature/function does not work.
                               Question (Type) that need quick response.

MEDIUM:               General requests for support, questions that do not need immediate answers

LOW:                      General requests for support, questions that are not time critical.