1. Go to 'Administration>Employees'.

Select the user you want to edit or press 'Add new employee' to create a new one.

2. Fill in contact info fields (First name, Last name and Email. Phone and Comment is optional).

3. Fill in the 'User name' field, the user name have to be unique. Fill in 'Password' and 'Confirm Password', password have to be at least 6 characters.

4. Select a Departement (this determines which alerts the user will be able to see).

5. Select one or many roles for the user, the roles determine what the user is able to see and edit in the system (read more here). Select one or many roles in the dropdown.

6. If you filled in 'Phone' and you have sms-sending enabled you can select 'Send employee alert sms' and 'Send department alert sms' if these checkboxes are checked there will be an sms sent to the user if they get a new alert.

7. 'Save' to create the user.

8. (Optional, applicable for hotels that use Advanced housekeeping) If user has Housekeeping Department, there will be a checkbox 'Enable custom working schedule'.

This setting will decide the default working days for the Cleaner.

It can be set either to 'Daily' or 'Weekly' (for example work mon-fri as in the example below).