The grid will show an overview of the reservations.


The colors in the grid represent:

Green: Checked in

Yellow: Check in today or Check 

Dark blue: Confirmed

Blue: Checked out

Red: No-show (and Cancelled, but cancelled reservations are not displayed in the grid)

Striped Grey: Locked; reservation process is ongoing

Turquoise: Preliminary

Brown: Out of order

Striped color: If allotments are used, each color represent an allotment you created.


In the default footer you will see:

Rate: the current BAR level for the day, you can see the rate for different room categories by hoovering on the BAR level name.

Guests: number of guests.

Rooms: number of booked rooms. If you have allotments the number of non booked rooms in the allotment will be shown after the number of booked rooms, e.g. '17/5' means 17 rooms are booked and 5 rooms are allocated by an allotment by not yet booked.

Free: number of available rooms. You can see the availabilty for different room categories by hoovering on the number of free rooms. If you have allotments the number of avaible rooms excluding allotments will be shown after the number of booked rooms, e.g. '20/25' means 20 rooms free to be booked by anyone and 25 rooms are available if you include rooms that can be booked in allotment. 

Occ %: occupancy for the day in percent.


If you hoover on a reservation you will see details about it.

You will see: the reservation number, company name or customer name, booking channel, arrival and departure date and number of nights, price per night for the room and total price, if reservation is paid or not and if not you will see the outstanding balance, number of guests on the room and name of guests and 'Lock room'/'Unlock room' functions depending on if the room is locked or not.


In the top right corner you have four icons.

The arrow icons can be used to switch dates (they will scroll two weeks at a time).

The filter icon can be used to change what you want to see in the grid.

The eye icon (view options) can be used for turning on and off information that is displayed in the grid.


If you click the filter icon:

You can switch between daily and hourly mode in the grid (if you have units that can be booked hourly).

You can select which dates you want to see.

You can select which unit types you want to see.

You can select if you only want to see one or selected room categories.

You can select if you only want to see one or selected locations (if you have locations enabled).

Click 'Refresh' to apply the filter.

View Options

If you click the eye icon (view options) :

If you have allotments the titles of these allotments will show in the view options section.

You can select to switch footer; 'totals' is the default option, 'availabilty count' show available rooms for each type of category, 'inventories' show number of booked extras for extras that have type 'inventory' and 'none' will show no footer at all.

'Hide footer totals' will remove the sum column to the left in the footer.

'Show guest name' you can decide which information to show on the reservations. 'Hidden' shows nothing, 'Guests or Customer' will show the guest name if it exist and otherwise company or customer name, 'Only Customer' will show the company name if it exist and otherwise the customer name and 'Event responsible' will show the user that is responsible for an event.

'Show unpaid reservations' will add a red icon to not fully paid reservations.

'Use paid amounts' decide how the paid icon is updated. 'Whole booking' means it will show invoiced icon if there is unpaid invoice amount, and unpaid icon if there is some amount that is neither paid or invoiced. If you select 'Selected dates' it will only consider the dates you have filtred on in the grid. So if you have searched on current month and current month is invoiced, the grid will show invoiced icon even if there are days in next month that are not yet invoiced. 

'Show created on' options 'In last 12 hours' or 'Today' will add a red (!) icon the reservations that have been created in the last 12 hours or during this day. 

'Hide Out of Order Units' will hide units that are marked as out of order for the entire selected date range.

'Show Workflow Phases' will show an icon for the workflow phase for the reservation (if you have workflows enabled).

'Show week no' will add a line with the week number at the top of the grid.

Click 'Apply' to apply the changes.

From Grid you can:

Create reservations

Move reservations

Lock reservations