1. Go to 'Customers>Individuals'.
2. Click 'New' to add new customer profile.
3. Fill in fields,
no fields are required
Profile information: First name, Last name, Email, Phone, Mobile , Passport number, Address, Address 2, Postal Code, City, Country.
Companies and Travel Agencies: here you can select company profiles and/or travel agencies that the individual profile is associated to.
Loyalty categories and Disabled loyalty categories: is a set of categories that the hotel can decide on and that is visible in for ex. arrival list.
Preferred units: if the customer have a specific room number that should be booked if available.
Unit preferences: if the customer have some room attributes he prefer, e.g. sea view or pets allowed.
Person notes: can be configured which type of notes the hotel wants to add.
Special dates: for example birthday or how long he/she has been a customer.
Comments: any comment.
4. Save in top right corner. After saving 'Reservation History' tab and 'Documents' tab will appear. In 'Reservation History' you can see all reservations associated to the profile and statistics of the reservations. In 'Documents' tab you can upload documents to the profile.
If you already have existing bookings by this guest you may want to merge the old reservations to the profile after creating the profile.
It is also possible to add a profile directly from a reservation.
Related articles:
Create an individual profile from reservation
Create a company profile from reservation
Add a contact person to a Company profile
Create reservation from Profile
Upload a document to a customer profile
Add comment to individual profile