Black list is special reservations test. Black lists allows to associate certain system actions on reservations made by specific persons. For example, hotel have a list of persona non grata and would like to prevent these people from booking rooms in WBE.
You can find Black list in menu: "Customers>Black Lists".
The Black List contains its Name, Notification Type, notification configuration and Patterns.
Notification Type and notification configuration is way how system will react on persons.
There are four Notification Types: Alert, SMS, Email and Error. And you can specify configuration on right side of page for chosen Notification Type. Page has corresponding fields for each Notification Type.
- When Alert is chosen, system sends Alert in case of match person. On page you can specify:
- Department - the department that receives the alert. This field s required.
- Recipient - the particular employee that receives the alert.
- Subject - the subject of alert.
- Description - the text of alert message.

- When SMS is chosen, system sends SMS.
- Phone - mobile number to which SMS will be sent, this field is required.
- Message - text which be sent in SMS.
- When Email is chosen, system sends Email.
- Email - email address to which email will be send. This field s required.
- Subject - subject of email message.
- Message - text of email message.
- When Error is chosen system throw the error with specified message when reservation is created.
- Description - text of error message.
Patterns of the black list.
Patterns are templates of person information.
- First Name - template of first name of person. While testing some person, if pattern's First Name is not empty and not equals first name of tested person than this pattern is not matches tested person. Both strings converted to lower case when comparing ("Sergey" will be equals "sergey").
- Last Name - template of last name of person. While testing some person, if pattern's Last Name is not empty and not equals last name of tested person than this pattern is not matches tested person. Both strings converted to lower case when comparing.
- Email - template of email of person. While testing some person, if pattern's Email is not empty and not equals email of tested person than this pattern is not matches tested person. Both strings converted to lower case when comparing.
- Phone - template of phone and mobile of person. While testing some person, if pattern's Phone is not empty and not equals nor person's phone nor person's mobile than this pattern is not matches tested person. When system compare two phone numbers (or number with mobile), system it remove all not number chars and spaces ( +7 923 177 75 21 will be equals 7 (923) 177-75-21). And phone of pattern can be shorter: can contains just end of person's phone (or person's mobile). ( pattern 177 75 21 will be successful matched with person's phone 7 (923) 177-75-21).
- IP address - template of IP address from which some booked. Now system test booking only when it online booked and if the black list configured to throw error. While testing some person, if pattern's IP address is not empty and not equals IP address of client than this pattern is not matches tested person. Be careful, some IP address of users random generated. Both strings converted to lower case when comparing.
- exactly this phone and any mobile any first name, last name and email;
- exactly this mobile and any phone first name, last name and email.
The third pattern has First Name and Last Name not empty and other fields are empty. It success matches on all persons in reservation with exactly this first name and last name. Persons with exactly this last name but other first name will not matches. And persons with exactly this first name and other last name also will not matches.
When some one with exactly first name, exactly this last name and exactly this phone and exactly this email will creates reservation three patterns will creates three successful matches and, if specified SMS notification type, system will sends three SMS or throw one error.
There are special words, if system find them in text of subject or message (and description of error) when sending alert, SMS, email or throw error, then each the word replaced by corresponding value:
{FirstName} - first name of restricted person;
{LastName} - last name of restricted person;
{Email} - email of restricted person;
{Phone} - phone of restricted person;
{Mobile} - mobile of restricted person;
{IpAddress} - IP address from which some one trying to create booking, if black list configured to throw error or IP is empty otherwise;
{Booking} - reference to booking view page;
{BlackList} - black list name;
{Pattern} - pattern in black list, which restricts person.
For example, there is Black List with name Test Black List and message:
"Person {FirstName} {LastName} with {Email}, {Phone}, {Mobile} restricted by Black List: {BlackList} with pattern: {Pattern} when edit {Booking}".
with pattern:
Email: and Phone: 79231777521
successful matches on person:
First name: Sergey, Surname: Leshtaev, email:, phone +79231777521, mobile: 7 (923) 177-75-21,
then system sends message:
"Person Sergey Leshtaev with, +79231777521, 7 (923) 177-75-21 restricted by Black List: Test Black List with pattern: & 79231777521 when edit #1100842."
Or you can configure Black List to throw error:
"You are trying to create booking from blocked ip: {IpAddress}."
And user gets error: "You are trying to create booking from blocked ip:"
New black list contains this words in message and subject, you can use them to create you own messages or remove then. If you would write them in message by yourself, then careful, each special word must be inside braces, has not spaces inside and case sensitive equals.