1. In Reservation in 'View' mode, you will find option 'Export guests' and 'Import guests' in the options menu in top right corner. 

2. Click 'Export guests' this will download an excel file containg all available rooms in the reservation.

If there are already guests added to the rooms these will be prefilled in the file.

3. Fill in fields: 

Title: The allowed values in this column can be found in second tab of the excel file 'Countries and Titles'

FirstName and LastName: Name of the guest

Country: The allowed values in this column can be found in second tab of the excel file 'Countries and Titles'

Passport: Passport number

Email and Mobile: mailadress and phonenumber of guest

From and To: Can be changed if there are more then one guest on the room. It will not change the days the room is booked it will only change time a specific guest is staying.

Unit Category, Unit Number, Title, From and To are required fields.

FirstName, LastName, Country, Passport, Email and Mobile can be left empty.

4. Click the options menu again and select 'Import guests'.

5. Select the file were you filled in the guest data, and click 'Apply'.

6. The guest data is now uploaded in the block. Click 'Save' in top right corner to save changes.