This article show  some examples of what you can do with Rate options.

The examples are:

Standard rate

Non-refundable rate

Deposit payment

Agreement with invoice

Rate Option for external channels

Standard rate

Rate is same as BAR-rate and users pays at check-in.

Fields can be filled in like this:

Enable: yes 

Name: Standard 

Rate adjustment: -0 

Adjust each day or hour: Not applicable 

Mandatory payment type: (none)

Mandatory payment adjustment (of total cost):  -0

Apply for each unit:  Not applicable 

Minimal/Maximal period: Not applicable  

Minimal/Maximal pick up: Not applicable 

Make reservation non-refundable : no

Forbid combining with other rate options: no

Extend for entire stay when available partial time: no 

Title:  Standard 

Description: Free cancellation, Pay at check-in. 

Enable for all the following unchecked offers and disable for checked: yes

Non-refundable rate

Rate is 10% lower then BAR-rate, user prepays and rate is closed one week before arrival.

Fields can be filled in like this:

Enable: yes 

Name: Nonref

Rate adjustment: -10% 

Adjust each day or hour: Not applicable 

Mandatory payment type: Receipt

Mandatory payment adjustment (of total cost):  -0

Apply for each unit:  Not applicable 

Minimal/Maximal period: Not applicable  

Minimal pick up: 7

Maximal pick up: empty

Make reservation non-refundable : yes

Forbid combining with other rate options: no

Extend for entire stay when available partial time: yes 

Title:  Non-refundable

Description: Pay now. Non-refundable reservation. 

Enable for all the following unchecked offers and disable for checked: yes, if there are any promotion codes or agreements that should not get the extra 10% discount click the Agreement or Promotion tab and select them.

Deposit payment

User pays 300 SEK per booked room at the time of booking which is not refunded if he cancels and get a 50 SEK discount per day. Rate is closed three weeks before arrival.

Fields can be filled in like this:

Enable: yes 

Name: Deposit

Rate adjustment: -0

Adjust each day or hour: yes 

Mandatory payment type: Receipt

Mandatory payment adjustment (of total cost): 300

Apply for each unit:  yes

Minimal/Maximal period: Not applicable  

Minimal pick up: 21

Maximal pick up: empty

Make reservation non-refundable : yes

Forbid combining with other rate options: no

Extend for entire stay when available partial time: yes

Title:  Semi-flex

Description: Pay 300 SEK at the time of booking. Reservation can be cancelled the 300 SEK are then not refunded.

Enable for all the following unchecked offers and disable for checked: no, click the 'BAR' tab and check all items here. The option will then be available for all BAR levels but not for any agreement or promotion codes.

Agreement with invoice

User books with an agreement code and gets an invoice by mail.

Fields can be filled in like this:

Enable: yes 

Name: Invoice 

Rate adjustment: -0 

Adjust each day or hour: Not applicable 

Mandatory payment type: Invoice

Mandatory payment adjustment (of total cost):  -0

Apply for each unit:  Not applicable 

Minimal/Maximal period: Not applicable  

Minimal/Maximal pick up: Not applicable 

Make reservation non-refundable : no

Forbid combining with other rate options: yes

Extend for entire stay when available partial time: yes

Title:  Invoice

Description: The invoice will be sent in the confirmation mail.

Enable for all the following unchecked offers and disable for checked: no, open Agreement tab and check the agreements you want to enable book by invoice for.

Rate Option for external channels

Hotel want reservations from a specific booking channel to be marked with a rate option, this rate option should not be visible in the booking engine.

Fields can be filled in like this:

Enable: yes 

Name: OTA

Rate adjustment: +20 

Adjust each day or hour: yes 

Mandatory payment type: (none)

Mandatory payment adjustment (of total cost):  -0

Apply for each unit:  Not applicable 

Minimal/Maximal period: Not applicable  

Minimal/Maximal pick up: Not applicable 

Make reservation non-refundable : no

Forbid combining with other rate options: no

Extend for entire stay when available partial time: yes 

Title:  Not applicable 

Description: Not applicable 

Enable for all the following unchecked offers and disable for checked: no, don't check any rate since this option should be hidden from booking engine.