Rates and Agreements

Rates and Agreements

Rates and Agreements: Agreement/Offer statistics
Offer statistics can be reached either from menu 'Agreements and Offers>Offer statistics' or by clicking the statistics icon from each agreement,...
Tue, 23 Apr, 2024 at 9:55 AM
Extras: Inventory
This function can be used for products that have a limited number (e.g. parking spaces, rental bikes etc.). When the number of available items for one day...
Tue, 23 Apr, 2024 at 9:14 AM
Extras: Create an Extra
1.  Go to 'Agreements & Offers>Extras' and click 'Add New Extras' in top right corner. 2. Fill in: Title: Mandatory, this tex...
Thu, 25 Apr, 2024 at 10:47 AM
Extra Package: Add an Extra Package
An Extra Package is a group of extras that can be added to a reservation as one item. 1. Go to 'Agreements & Offers>Extras Package' here ...
Thu, 25 Apr, 2024 at 10:49 AM
Rate Management: Rate Options
By default all reservations booked in online part will be booked to current BAR rate and prepayment is required. To change this behaviour or add addtional ...
Thu, 11 Apr, 2024 at 12:55 PM
Rate Management: Rate Options Examples
This article show  some examples of what you can do with Rate options. The examples are: Standard rate Non-refundable rate Deposit payment Agreement...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 1:37 PM
Allotment is a special type of offer that ensures that given number of units of different categories are available for booking with the allotment code. The ...
Wed, 24 Apr, 2024 at 1:59 PM
Rate Management: Add an upsell plan
1. Go to 'Units & Rates>Rate Mangement' and click the 'Upsell plans' icon in the top right corner. 2.  Click the 'Add new upse...
Wed, 24 Apr, 2024 at 2:28 PM
Promotion rate: Build promotion rate with discount example
1. Go to 'Agreements & Offers>Promotion rates' and click 'Add new promotion rate'. 2. Fill in fields: Title: This is the title...
Tue, 28 May, 2024 at 1:25 PM
Nitesoft Loyal
Loyal codes is a type of Offer where a guest can prepay a selected number of nights and then get a code to book the nights with. For example buy 10 nights a...
Wed, 24 Apr, 2024 at 1:52 PM