Rolling rules is a function to setup restrictions to vary automatically over time. The parameters that can be varied is 'Restriction', 'PickUp' and 'Stay length'. For example 'Stay length' can be used if you want to setup a rule to only allow reservations made for 7 days if guest book more than 1 month in advance. 'Restriction' can be for example be used if you want close reservation at 19 PM every day, Pick-up if you for example want to close reservation 24h before arrival every day. 

The changes made by the rule correspond to the restrictions you can add manually in 'Unit & Rates>Bar Mangement >Advanced'.

1. Go to 'Unit & Rates>Bar Mangement >Stay length', 'PickUp length' or 'Restriction' depending on the setting you want to change.

2. Click edit to add a rule.
The 'Rule set' field normally only have one value 'Default' unless you have specified several sets of rules, so you normally don't have to change this field.

3. Switch between 'Public' and 'External' to add rules for booking engine and external channels.

4. Click 'Category' dropdown to select the rooms you want to specify the rule for. 

To select all click '+' icon, to deselect all click 'X' icon.

When you click on any item outside the dropdown it will close.

5a. Stay length

At 'Stay length rolling' click '+' icon to add a rule, you can add several rules for the same categories by clicking '+' icon again.

Fill in fields:

From: 0 is today, 1 is tomorrow etc.

To: if you don't fill in any value it will be forever, otherwise 0 is today, 1 is tomorrow etc. 

Min stay length: optional, min length of stay for the selected days.

Max stay length: optional, max length of stay for the selected days.

5b. PickUp length

At 'PickUp length rolling' click '+' icon to add a rule, you can add several rules for the same categories by clicking '+' icon again.

Click the 'cog wheel' icon at 'Runtime' to add the time of day the rule should be applied.

By default it is at midnight, to change that check 'define run time' check box and fill in time for each weekday. 

Click 'Done' to continue.

Fill in fields:

From: 0 is today, 1 is tomorrow etc.

To: if you don't fill in any value it will be forever, otherwise 0 is today, 1 is tomorrow etc. 

Min pickUp length: optional, min number of days in advance a customer can book.

Max pickUp length: optional, max number of days in advance a customer can book. 

5c. Restriction

At 'Restriction rolling' click '+' icon to add a rule, you can add several rules for the same categories by clicking '+' icon again.

Click the 'cog wheel' icon if you want to change run time (see point 5b for details).

Fill in fields:

From: 0 is today, 1 is tomorrow etc.

To: if you don't fill in any value it will be forever, otherwise 0 is today, 1 is tomorrow etc. 

Restriction: select from the following values:

Closed-out: No guests can stay this day.

Closed to arrival: No guests can arrive this day, but guests can stay or depart.

Closed to departure: No guests can departure this day, but guests can stay or arrive. 

Closed to arrival and departure: No guests can arrive or departure this day, but guests can stay. 

6. Click 'Save' to activate your rolling rule.