Activity rooms have to be activated for your hotel before you can add the conference rooms, please contact if you are interested in the conference module.
Add Activity room category
1. Go to 'Units & Rates>Unit Categories' and click 'New Activity room category'.
2. Fill in top left of the page:
Name: the Activity room category name that will be visible on invoices/receipts and in online booking flow, if you support more then one language click the pen icon to enter translations for other languages.
Abbreviation: Short version of room category name, will be visible in Nitesoft intranet in some places, e.g. grid.
Bookable interval: Select 'Hourly' if you want to allow to book the room less than 24h, choose 'Daily' if you only want to allow to book one day at the time.
Maximum guests: Total number of persons allowed in the room.
3. Unit section in bottom left of the page:
If you want to add an already existing room to a category you can drag n'drop from the 'Available Rooms' list.
4. In the RACK section in top right of the page:
Title (Optional) you can change title of RACK rate.
Target group, Minimal stay length and Maximal stay length: cannot be changed if you only have one RACK-rate.
Add inclusive product:
For example if coffee is included in the room rate. Select a product in the drop down and click '+' icon to add it.
Click on services dropdown to select the account that the activity room revenue is accounted on.
If you need to account the activity room revneue on different accounts read more here.
Fill in the RACK rate of the room.
For room that is booked hourly this is the price per hour.
If you want to have different prices depending on how many guests that stays in the room, fill in number of guests in the 'Add guest count rate' field and click '+' icon to add a new price level depending on number of guests.
5. In Description section in bottom right corner of the page:
Description: the description that will be visible in online booking flow, if you support more then one language click the flags below 'Description' to change between the languages.
Internal Description: Comment that is only visible in Nitesoft intranet.
Images: To add images. Click the '+' and then select an image from your disc. Dimensions of the image should be 498*296. These are the images that can be displayed online.
Layout images: (optional) can be displayed online. To add images. Click the '+' and then select an image from your disc. Dimensions of the image should be 498*296.
6. 'Save' at the top of the page
Add Activity room
1. Go to 'Units & Rates>Units' and click 'New Activity Room'.
2. Fill in:
Number: usually the room number.
Category: select the activity room category.
Preferences: (optional) additional criteras which you can filter your units on, read more about preferences here.
Cleaning: (optional) by default the room will be marked as dirty each day when somebody stay in the room, read more about other options for cleaning here.
Enable access control: (optional) check if you have a access system integration, and fill in the id which links this door to the door id in the access system.
Images: (optional) you can upload images for the unit.
Internal description: (optional) you can write a description for the unit only visible in this page.
Description and Route Description: (optional) you can write a description for the unit that can be inserted in for example guest messages, there will be one tab for each languge you have enabled.
Images: (optional) upload images, they will only be visible in this view.
The following fields are automatically filled by the selected category;
Maximum guests.
Internal Description.
RACK Rates.
3. 'Save' in top right corner.