1. Click in the fast search at the top of page and hit enter to go to Reservation search. Or go to 'Front Office>Reservation Search'.
2. In Reservation search you can search reservations with many combinations of serach parameters.
Enter the parameters and press "Search".
3. The result will be displayed in a list. Click options menu in top right corner to 'Print' result or 'Export to Excel'.
You can also use 'Bulk send' function to send guest messages to the reservations in search result, read more about bulk send function here.
4. To change the columns you want to see in result click the eye icon in top right corner. It will open a side panel where you can check the columns you want to see. Click 'Refresh' at the bottom of the side panel to apply your changes.
The search parameters are:
Text: Is the same as the fast search ( i.e booking number, external booking number, name of customer or guests, company, payment number or invoice number.)
Booking no
External Booking no
Reservation status
Booking channel
Target group
Invoice or Payment number
Workflow and Workflow phase (if applicable)
Company name
Travel Agency name
Name of Customers and Guests
Phone or Mobile of Customers and Guests
Email of Customers and Guests
Address of Customer
Country of Customers and Guests
When the reservation was made
Arrival and Departure date
Unit categories
Rate option
The available result columns are:
Booking no
External Booking no
Booking Channel
Target Group
Travel Agency
Unit Categories
Total rate
Reservation date
Rate Option