1. You find the fast search at the top of all pages.
In this search field you can find reservations by typing the reservation number, external reservation number, name of customer or guests, company, payment number or invoice number.
It will search for all words but match them from first letter, so if you have company "ABCD EFGH" you can find it if you search for "ABC" or "EFG" but you will not find it if you search for "BCD".
For numbers you can search for any part of the number, so you can for example search for last 5 digits in reservation number.
2. The search result will autofill in a dropdown and you can select the reservation you are looking for in the dropdown.
If you press enter in the search field you will go to reservatio search and all reservations that match the word you search for will be displayed in a list.
Read more about Reservation search here.