A Loyal Plan is a fixed number of nights in selected room categories that customer prepays for a fixed price. The customer can then book the nights from a code until the code expires.

1. Go to 'Agreements & Offers>Hotelname Loyal'.

2. You will see a list of your Loyal plans here, in top right corner click 'Add New Hotelname Loyal Plan.

3. Fill in:

Title: Will be visible in receipts. (Required field).

Default segment: When someone books using this code the reservation will get the selected Target group (Required field) .

Maximal Count: Maximum number rooms that can be booked by the loyal offer per day (Required field).

Nights left that trigger renewal offer: When you have this many nights left to book on your code you will get an offer to buy a new code in booking engine.

Level: This number decides if offer can be combined with other offers. Offers of same level cannot be combined, offers with different levels can be combined. For example if you set level 1 and you have a ratechain with level 2, the customer will be able to combine both offers. 

Description: Notes for the hotel, not visible for customer.

Availabilty: Set 'Bookable online' if you want the code to be active in both booking engine and intranet, set 'Not bookable online' if you want the code to be active in intranet only (Required field).

Days count: Number of nights you can book using this code (Required field) .

Cost: Total cost to purchase the code (Required field).

Expiration Notify Period: If you use this code online within this days before expiration you will get a notification that the code is about to expire in the booking engine.

Days of week: If the code should only be active for specific week days.

Expiration Period: After how many days will the code expire (Required field) .

Black out Dates: If some dates should be excluded from using the code.

4. When you fill in the 'Title' and you have several languages you can click the pen after title field to add the translations.

Fill in translations and click 'Done'.

5. At the left bottom corner you should add the room categories.

Select category in the dropdown and click '+'.

Fill in Maximal count field, this is the limit for how many rooms of this category that can be booked each day using this Loyal Plan. If you want ot include products in the offer add them to in the left bottom corner.

6. Click 'Save' in the top right corner to create the Loyal Plan.

7. The Loyal Plan will now be visible in the lists of plans. You can view it by clicking the title in the list and you can edit it by clicking the pen icon.

8. To get a code for the Loyal Plan you need a 'Loyal guest" read more here.