In the icon-row above the menu you have check in/out icon (the bed-icon).

Clicking this will lead you to three lists:

'Arrivals' where you see all reservations arriving today.

'Departures' where you see all reservations departuring today.

'In House' where you see all reservations that are currently checked in (this is the fire list).

The lists contain almost the same information.

In top right corner you see the following information:

Date: here you select which day or date period you want to see in the list, by default todays' date.

Eye icon: Here you can select which columns you want to see in the list, see available columns below.

You can also change order of the columns by drag n' drop and specifiy how the list should be sorted.

Print icon: Prints the list.

Card icon: This icon is only visible for 'Departures' if you have a key card integration. The function allow you to check-out a reservation by scanning the guests key card.

Options menu

Export to excel: will export the list to excel.

Check in all: visible for Arrivals.

Check out all: visible for Departures.

Available columns:

Reservation: Reservation number and link to reservation.

Guest names: The guest names, link to the guest profile (if profile is created).

Guests: Number of guests in the room, e.g. 1/2/0 means 1 adult, 2 children and 0 infants.

Unit: Unit number.

Unit Category: Unit category abbriviation.

Rate code: If the unit is booked with an offer code.

Rate Option: If the unit is booked with a rate option.

Booking Channel: The booking channel of the reservation.

Target group: The target group of the reservation.

Travel Agency: If reservation has a travel agency.

Arrival: Arrival date.

Departure: Departure date:

Nights: (visible in Arrivals and Departures lists) Number of nights the guest is staying.

Company: Company name.

Balance: Outstanding balance of the entire reservation, links to payment of the reservation.

Room Balance: Outstanding balance of the selected unit, links to payment of the unit. 

Status: (visible in Arrivals and Departures lists) Status of the reservation.

Unit Status: (visible in Arrivals list) Housekeeping status of the unit. 

Products: Extras added to the unit.

Comments: Comments added to reservation and to the specified unit.

Action: (visible in Arrivals and Departures lists) Check-in and Check-out functions.

Sms: (visible in Arrivals list) Send sms function.

Booking Workflow: If the reservation has a Booking workflow.

Booking Workflow Phase: If the reservation has a Booking workflow phase.