1. In 'Reports>Custom Report' you can build your own reports.

2. Click 'New' in top right corner to create a new report.

3. Select which reservations you want to include in your report in the 'Filter' tab.

You can build the selection by combining groups of conditions.

For each group select 'All of'/'Any of'/'Not all of'/'None of' and one or several conditions.

To add new groups and conditions use button 'Add new conditon' and 'Add new group'.

Here is a list of all critera you can choose from in the 'Filter' tab. 


Group 1: All of

Arrival after 2018-01-01

Departure before 2019-01-01

Group 2. None of

Booking status is Preliminary

Will select all reservations staying 2018 that are not Preliminary

4. Click the 'Sorting' tab, decide the which field the result should be sorted by.

Drag fields from right list to the 'Order by' grey box.

(Note that if you drag items from the end of the list you may need to place it higher in the list before dragging it over to the right side of the screen.)

This is an optional step.

Here is a list of all options you have in the 'Sorting' tab.

4. Click the 'Grouping' tab, decide the which field the result should be grouped by.

Drag fields from right list to the 'Group by' grey box.

(Note that if you drag items from the end of the list you may need to place it higher in the list before dragging it over to the right side of the screen.)

This is an optional step.

Here is a list of all options you find in the Custom report 'Grouping' tab.

5. Click the 'Result' tab, decide the which fields should be included in the result.

Drag fields from right list to the 'Result' grey box.

(Note that if you drag items from the end of the list you may need to place it higher in the list before dragging it over to the right side of the screen.)

Here is a list of all all fields you can include in result.

6. Click 'Search' to get result. Or you can use the 'Options menu' in the top right corner to export the result to excel, pdf or to print it. 

If your search result include 'Reservation #' column you can also select 'Bulk send' to send guest message to the reservations in the report, read more about 'Bulk send' here.

If you want to save your report for later use the 'Save as Report' function at the bottom of the page.

Here are some examples of reports that you can configure using custom report.