This version of Nitesoft contains new functions and enhancements as listed below. It also includes a number of minor corrections as well as upgrades of code.
New and Changed functions
- Copy reservation
- Create an invoice for several reservations
- New design of booking wizard
- Booking monthly
- Conference booking half day or full day
- Extended functionality for filtering comments
- Several enhancements
Copy reservation
It is now possible to copy a reservation, read more here.
Create invoice for several reservations
It is now possible to create invoices and payments for several reservations with the same customer. Read more here.
New design of booking wizard
There is a new booking wizard available, it can be access by '+' icon in the side menu. It will allow you to use Rate Options in intranet and to book several rooms of a category at once. The old wizard will still be available until the next version of Nitesoft from 'New Reservation' in the menu, then it will replace the old wizard completely. Read more here about the new booking wizard.
Booking monthly
It is possible to group reservation by month instead of days, read more here.
Conference booking half day or full day
It is possible to book different predefined timeslots for hourly reservations, for example: afternoon or full day, read more here.
Filtering of comments
Added ability to direct comments to specific users and views, it needs to be configured so please contact if you want to know more about it or get help to configure it.
Read more about Comment Areas here.
- Changes to grid when using allotments.
If you have allotment the availability in the grid will be displayed like this:
Rooms: Booked rooms including rooms booked in allotment/Booked room excluding rooms booked by allotment
Free: Free rooms excluding rooms booked by allotment/Free rooms including rooms in allotment that are not actually booked
Occ%: Occupancy including allotment rooms/Occupancy excluding allotment rooms - View and hide comments in 'Front Office'>'Planning list', like this:
- Changed order of items in Reservations Options menu.
- Payments and Invoices are moved and if applicable split into the new reservations when using Split and Merge functions, read more about Split here and Merge here.
- Ability to get an Invoice report filtered on the manually set payment date instead of the accounting date. Read more about Invoice report here, check Example 2 on how to use new function. Useful if you import payments from external bookkeeping or billing system.
- Improved grouping configuration in invoices, receipts and Guest messages.
- If a prepaid reservations is moved to the future the adjustment transactions will also be moved to the new stay date (unless the reservations arrival date has already past).
- Improved automatic rearrangement of reservations when hotel has high occupancy.
- In 'Administration-Account Summary' any Tax Account associated to an account is now displayed.
- If you have made a preliminary invoice and then make changes to the reservation that removes items on the invoice you will receive this type of warning when you enter the invoice. The warning tells you to review invoiced items before confirming the invoice.
If you have changed the price of an existing item after you created the invoice you will get the "The amount does not correspond to the items you are charging for." warning instead. Which means you should review the amount selected for the items you try to invoice.
Add Ons
Changes to Online part
It is now possible to select number of rooms in the first step of the booking process.
The feature requires adjustments to online part so contact us if you are interested in it.
Upgrade of Yield Planet integration
Yield Planet has upgraded their API we will contact all our customers using Yield Planet regarding the date we will switch over to the new version.