This version of Nitesoft contains new functions and enhancements as listed below. It also includes a number of minor corrections and fixes.
New and Changed functions
- Refund of online payments
- Separate landing pages for offers
- Sms notification for alert
- Better Accounting report
- Better overview of availabilty sent to external channels
- Housekeeping improvements
- Seating options for conference rooms
Refund of online Payments
If you make a refund for a payment created with online payment provider the money will automatically be refunded to the customer. This function is supported for Nets Easy, Netaxcept, direct2internet and Adyen.
To make a refund open an existing payment and click "Refund" button in top right corner, the money will be refunded right away.
Separate landing pages for offers
When you create and advert for an offer in Nitesoft there will be a separate landing page created for this offer.
For example if you create an advert for the code "OFFER22" you can go to this specific advert using the link (where hotelname is the name of your Nitesoft version and OFFER22 is the offercode).
Sms Notification for alerts
It is possible to configure so selected users get an sms-notifcation when they get a new alert. This is done by adding phone number and a setting for the user. Read more on how to add that setting here.
Accounting-Balance Report improvements
We added better filtering options to Balance Report. Now you can group transactions for an account on date or booking and you can search for specific accounts and select a longer date range. Read more in the "Trace and Filter" section here.
Guest Message conditions
Now it is possible to combine different conditions for automatic guest messages. For example send mail to all customers that booked on Hotel Web Site and stayed last november. Read more here.
And it will be possible to select any Guest Message manually from any reservation. The guest messages that the reservation fullfill will be displayed in black text and Guest Messages where reservation do not meet the contions of the message will be displayed in grey below. Both black and grey guest messages can be selected and sent.
Changes to Rate Management:
In Rate Mangement we made it easier to view if there are any restrictions of availablity in booking channels, read more here.
Added abilty to make restrictions for specific rate type for External Channels, for example to close out a discounted rate but still have standard rate available. Read more here.
Housekeeping Pending Inspection status
It is now possible to add another cleaning status called "Pending inspection". When a cleaner change the status from "Dirty" the room will get status "Pending inspection", and after inpection Housekeeping Manager can change the status to "Clean".
Read more here. If you want to enable this status, please contact support.
Improvements of Advanced Housekeeping
These changes applies only to customers with Advanced Housekeeping enabled.
- In "Housekeeping>Today" it is possible to see a summary of number of tasks assigned to each cleaner. The summary can be show/hidden by clicking the eye icon in top right corner of the page and check/ucheck "Show cleaner task totals" and click "Apply".
Cleaner can now change back rooms status to dirty, for the rooms this user was assigned to clean. It is done in "My Schedule", find the room and click "Reopen task".
- Added ability to remove comment that was added to a housekeeping task.
- If you create an alert for a comment made in a Housekeeping task the alert will automatically get a link to the original task. So you can easily find images attached to the task.
- Housekeeping manager can now create alerts from housekeeping tasks to any Department or user.
Conference improvements
Added support for seating options for conference rooms, read more here.
In "Front Office>Planning Lists-Activities" added start and end of event time and abilty to hide units.
- Faster loading of images throughout the system.
- Improved payment and invoice logic.
- Possiblity to restore removed Company and Individual profiles, read more here.
- Workflow column is added to Arrival and Departure lists.
- Rate code column is added to Inhouse list.
- It is now possible to select more then one room cateory when you filter in the Grid.
Add Ons
AirBnb payments import
Ability to import AirBnb payments from excel file, contact support for more information.
GuestKey integration
Integration with GuestKey mobile key app. In partnership with GuestKey you can now deliver Mobile Access to your guests fast and easy via Nitesoft. Read more at
Google Travel integration
Integration to Googles booking service Free BookingLinks. Free Booking Links provide an opportunity to anticipate and capture travelers’ demand. Hotels' using it has generated a significant amount of incremental revenue.