Basic Price structure
The pricing of Units/Rooms in Nitesoft follows this structure.
- Each 'Unit Category' has a 'RACK rate' this is the regular price per night for the unit, often the highest rate used for the unit.
- Then the hotel has a set of 'BAR levels' (Best Available Rate Level), for ex. named 'high season' and 'low season' or 'BAR1', 'BAR2', 'BAR3' etc. Each 'BAR level' depend on the 'RACK rate', for example low season may have the price 'RACK rate' -15%.
- The different BAR-levels are then distributed over the year. This can be done either in BAR Management or in Rate Management view. It is also possible to set a rate for each day without building a BAR -level first, or to set a rate that overrides the BAR level rate. This is done by Direct rate function.
Advanced Price structure
There are additional ways to build the prices:
- Rate options is different types of payment options which are added on top of the todays current rate, it can be for example that you get a 10% discount if you book non-refundable and pay at time of booking.
- Rate Chains are rules that are added on top ot the base prices, it can be for example a discount is activated if there is less than X days to arrival and occupancy in lower that Y%. Or it can be a discount that is activated if guest stays more than 7 days.
- You can use Agreement or Offer codes that gives a specific price or a discount.
- Levels can be used to determine which prices can be combined with each other.
Availabilty and Restrictions
It is possible to restrict the number of rooms you have availble on your website or in other external channels.
- It can be controlled by the Advanced functions in BAR Management. Most used functions are: Availabilty (set limits of number of available units), Restrictions (close outs), Stay length (min and max length of stay).