
Units & Rates > Units 
For each unit it is possible to configure the cleaning schedule. There are several options: Everyday, Custom, Weekly and Biweekly. Everyday is the default option that means that the system will automatically create cleaning tasks for the unit every day when there is a guest and on check-out day. Custom defines a day interval for the cleaning frequency, for instance, 3 means that system will create a task on every 3rd day. Weekly specifies that cleaning takes place on some specific days of the week. Biweekly is the same as weekly but cleaning takes place once in 2 weeks. There is also the Next Cleaning date setting which works in combination with the frequency options. By default the system uses a reservation check-in day to start cleaning schedule calculation, however you can set the start date explicitly. Read more here on how to configure a cleaning schedule for specific unit. 

Administration > Employees 
For each employee in housekeeping department it is possible to set up a working schedule. To enable working schedule click on the "Enable custom working schedule", by default employee works everyday. Here you can define the start date for the working schedule. Daily schedules allow you to set alternating day shifts, for instance, 2 working days and then 2 days off. Weekly schedule defines working days of week. See point 8 here.

Housekeeping > Cleaning Tasks
Here you can define specific cleaning work task that are automatically added to the cleaning tasks created by the system. These work tasks can be also added to a cleaning task manually. You set it up with a  title for the work to be done and specify which type of cleaning should automatically include it. Out of order - work tasks will be added for cleaning tasks after out of order completion. Checkout - work items are added to cleaning tasks created on reservation check-out. No-show - work items on no-show reservation ends. Occupied - work items for regular cleanings during guest stays. For Occupied status you can also set up intervals in days, for instance, change of linen can be configured to take place every 3rd day. Read more here.

Housekeeping > Rooms order
Here you define the order in which units should be cleaned. System automatically sorts the cleaning tasks according to the following rules. First goes the group of check-out tasks with the next check-in today. Then goes the check-out task group. Then goes to a group of regular cleaning tasks. Inside each group cleaning tasks are sorted according to the room order defined on this page. So that you can optimize traveling from one room to another during cleaning. Read more here.

All the previous items are the configuration that you typically do once and then make rare adjustments. The following interfaces are intended for work on a regular basis.

Housekeeping > Housekeeping Schedule
Here you define a schedule for employees. For every upcoming date system adds employees automatically according to their working schedule. You can make adjustments to this schedule, for instance, in case an employee is ill or there are too many cleanings on some specific date. Alternatively if there is no regular schedule for each employee you can define irregular schedules here manually. Read more here.

Housekeeping > Today
Here you set up cleaning tasks for a day and assign them to employees. Though it's named Today you can navigate to any day and plan cleanings for the future or see past days. Cleaning tasks are represented as cards. Each card contains essential information about the task. Color indicates the type of cleaning (according to the legend below the toolbar). Top section: room number, work items abbreviations, time to next cleaning. Bottom section: floor, unit category abbreviation, number of guests. You can see task details by double clicking on it. Here you can specify work items for the cleaning. Also you can leave a comment for a cleaner or see comments from the cleaners. You can mark the comment as alert and assign it to another employee or department. By drag and drop you assign cleaning tasks to the cleaners.
Read more here.

Housekeeping > Additional Task
These are the tasks that are not related to a particular unit. For instance, if you have multiple apartments in a single building you can have regular additional task for cleaning common spaces, garbage utilization, etc. Read more here.


Housekeeping > My Schedule 
Here the cleaner can see his tasks for the upcoming week. He can adjust the task order and leave comments. Tasks are expandable and contain all the details of the task. Read more here.

Housekeeping > Cleaning 
This interface guides the cleaner through his today's tasks. He can use it during cleaning from a mobile device. The interface displays the current cleaning task and allows you to navigate to the next room or skip the task if the task can't be done at this moment, for instance, in case a guest is in the room. Here he can make a photo and leave a comment if required. The process of cleaning on this interface is recorded so you can see cleaning performance on the Housekeeping History report. Read more here.


Housekeeping > Housekeeping History
This is basically a report on housekeeping performance, read more here.