
Instructions needed for setting up Nitesoft

Setup: Using several room revenue accounts
If you want to be able to switch between different housing accounts for a room these options should be added to the room category. 1. First make sure the a...
Tue, 23 Apr, 2024 at 9:22 AM
Configuration: Open booking
You need Manager user role to access this function 1. Go to 'Site Administration>Configuration'  2. Click 'Hotel interface' 3. Click &...
Thu, 11 Nov, 2021 at 12:36 PM
Employees: Roles
Depending on the Emplyees role it will have access to different parts of the system. Which parts the roles can access can be adapted for each hotel, but in...
Tue, 14 Jun, 2022 at 10:57 AM
Drop Down List: Add or Edit Cancel Reasons
1. Go to 'Administration>Drop Down Lists' and click 'Booking cancel reason'. 2. Click 'New Reason' in top right corner to add ...
Tue, 23 Apr, 2024 at 9:25 AM
Setup: Add Unit preferences to a Unit
1. Go to 'Administration>Drop Down Lists' and select 'Unit Preference'. 2. Click 'New Preference' write a 'Name', chec...
Tue, 23 Apr, 2024 at 9:26 AM
Setup an automatic invoice rule
If you want to setup a rule to automatically generate invoices for selected reservations. 1. Go to 'Administration>Drop Down Lists' select &#...
Tue, 23 Apr, 2024 at 9:25 AM
Setup Conference WBE
When you setup the Conference WEB engine you need to check the following steps, and please provide the conference booking policy to ...
Wed, 12 Jun, 2024 at 3:41 PM
Setup: Add a target group
1. Go to 'Administration>Drop Down Lists' select 'Target Group'. 2. Click 'New Group' in top right corner to add a new value....
Tue, 16 Apr, 2024 at 10:17 AM
Setup: Add a booking channel
1. Go to 'Administration>Drop Down Lists' select 'Booking Channel'. 2. Click 'New Channel' in top right corner to add a new v...
Tue, 16 Apr, 2024 at 10:17 AM
Setup: Add a Unit
Before adding the units please add the Unit Category. 1. Go to 'Units & Rates>Units' and click 'New Room'.  2. Fill in: Numbe...
Tue, 4 Jun, 2024 at 10:20 AM