The reports can roughly be divided into three categories; key figure reports, economy reports and lists.
Most reports are found in the menu under 'Reports' but lists are often in other parts of the system.
There are 2 types of reports in Nitesoft; static and dynamic reports.
The dynamic reports always show current state in the system, you typically search on stay date and/or booking date, all reports except Accouting reports are dynamic.
The static report shows the state the system had at the date you are currently looking at, all Accouting reports are static.
Read more about static and dynamic reports here.
Key figure reports
Here you find all reports that calculates statistics based on resevations.
Scb Report -Loding statistics.
Period Report -Show revenue and occupancy statistics based on stay dates, you can group by unit, day/month or employee and compare to past time period.
Reservations Report -Show revenue/ADR and occupancy statictis based on stay dates and booking dates.
Reservations Details -Show ADR, occupancy and length of stay/pick up based on stay dates and booking dates, you can group by channel, target group, rate type or unit and compare to past time period.
Extra Report -Show number of sold extras and corresponding amounts in selected Stay dates.
Reveneue Overview - Shows how revenues and occupancy is divided over diffrent types of reservations, for example on rooms or conference rooms, different target groups and housing, food and beverage and other.
Housekeeping>Housekeeping History -Enabled if you have Advanced housekeeping module, it will show which types of tasks each cleaner has done.
Housekeeping>Housekeeping Report -Reports that show occupancy and number of check-in, check-outs and staying guests.
Agreements & Offers>Offer statistics -Staticts for a specific offer code.
Economy reports
Here you find the reports intended to use for Accounting.
Payments -This Report will list all payments.
Invoices - This Report will list all invoices.
Sales Report -Here you can find out which revenue relates to which payment methods.
Sales Ledger -This Report will list all reservations that have an unhandled balance, it is the specification of Sales Ledger Account.
Deposit Ledger - This Report will list all reservations that are pre-paid. It is a specification of Deposit Ledger Account.
Account Subtotals -This is to see values of daily reports over a time period.
Balances -This is a daily report for accouting.
Read more about Accounting here.
Customer reports and lists
Customer Report Company statistics for both Company profiles and Companies added to reservation without a profile.
Customers>Companies>Top Companies -Revenue and unit nights per Company profile.
Customers Front Desk>Travel Agencies>Top Travel Agencies -Revenue and unit nights per Travel agency profile.
Planning lists
Here you find all planning lists in the system, typically you search for a date interval and get a list of all items in that time frame.
Extras' list -For each extraa: list time, room number and guest name, can for example be used as a breakfast list.
Front Office>Planning lists>Products -In this list you see products listed by time, this list is primarily used as breakfast list or kitchen list. But you can filter on each extras type, e.g. housekeeping and conference.
Front Office >Planning lists>Activities -In this list you can see activities and products listed by time or grouped be reservation, this list is primarily used to see activity list for conference reservations.
Here are some additinal functions related to reporting.
Reservation Search -Allows you to search for reservations in the system, and the result will be presented as a list of reservations.
Custom Report -Allows you to build new reports.
Scheduler -Here you can schedule a report to be generated and sent automatically.
Complete Export -Here you can make a full excel-export of your reservations.